Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

At NorthWest Student Exchange (NWSE), we are committed to maintaining the trust, confidence, and safety of our online visitors, applicants, and program participants. NWSE collects personal information only to provide our services. NWSE does not share, sell, rent, 或与其他公司和企业交易您的个人信息用于营销目的. 请查看我们下面的隐私政策,详细了解我们收集您个人信息的时间和原因, how we use it, the limited conditions under which we may disclose it to others, and how we keep it secure.

Types of data we collect

Website Cookies

Like most websites, NWSE websites use cookies.  cookie是在您浏览或登录我们的网站时放置在您的计算机或其他设备(如智能手机或平板电脑)上的小数据文件.  cookie用于“记住”您的计算机或设备何时访问我们的网站.  Cookies are essential for the effective operation of our websites, as for many other websites you may use.

有些cookie会收集您通过同一台计算机或设备访问我们网站时的浏览行为信息.  这包括浏览过的页面信息和你浏览网站的过程.  We do not use cookies to collect or record information on your name, address or other contact details.  请查看我们隐私声明的下一部分,了解我们使用Google Analytics(分析)的信息.


  1. NWSE, or on behalf of NWSE, 并且需要允许您登录到我们的各种网站和在线门户网站.
  2. Google Analytics (see section below).

Cookies on our websites are used for:

  1. 用于有效运作我们网站所必需的技术目的, particularly, for example, in relation to online registration, account access, etc.
  2. 使NWSE能够收集有关您在我们网站上的浏览模式的信息, and monitor the success of email campaigns, important programmatic notifications, communications, contests, etc.

如果您想禁用cookie,您需要更改您的网站浏览器设置以拒绝cookie.  How you can do this depends on the website browser you use.

NWSE websites may not operate properly if cookies are disabled. If you only disable third party cookies, 您不会被阻止登录我们的网站和在线门户网站.  If you disable all cookies, 您将无法登录和更新我们网站/在线门户网站的信息.

Google Analytics

When someone visits our websites, 我们通过谷歌分析收集标准的互联网日志信息和访问者行为模式的详细信息. We do this, for example, 了解我们网站各个部分的访客数量等情况. 通过Google Analytics收集的信息不会以个人身份识别任何人的方式呈现给NWSE. NWSE不试图找到访问我们网站的人的身份.

Mailing Lists

We use a third-party provider, Vertical Response, to deliver some of our newsletters and announcements to you. 我们使用行业标准技术收集有关电子邮件打开和点击的统计数据,以帮助我们监控和改进我们的电子通讯内容和通信. For more information, please review the Vertical Response privacy policy. 您可以随时通过点击我们可能收到的任何一般电子邮件底部的退订链接,取消订阅与您的NWSE计划不直接相关的NWSE通信, or by emailing us at

Program/Application Data

当您注册我们的某个项目并提供个人信息时, we use this information: to get you registered for the program of your choice; to collect required participant information and communicate with you in a manner compliant with program regulations; to tell you about stuff you’ve asked us to tell you about; to provide you with program-related information of your specific NWSE program; to contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information; to tell you about relevant NWSE programmatic opportunities available to you; to check if our records are accurate and to check every now and then that you’re happy and satisfied with your program. We don’t share, sell, rent, 或者在未经您同意的情况下与其他组织和企业交换电子邮件列表.

When you register for a program through NWSE, 您的数据存储在nwse拥有的美国在线和离线数据库和文件系统中. 您的数据只会与政府机构和第三方(寄宿家庭)共享, area coordinators, schools, NWSE partner agencies, insurance providers, SEVIS, etc.)直接参与你的NWSE项目的申请和管理过程. 您的数据也可能被上传到政府数据库,以便您申请签证. 除了申请过程和管理NWSE项目所需的以外, 未经您的同意,NWSE不会与任何其他公司或实体分享您的个人信息.

How We Protect Your Data

NWSE is committed to keeping your personal data safe and secure.

Our security measures include and may not be limited to: encryption of passwords stored in our online systems; regular cyber security assessments of all service providers who may handle your personal data; security controls which protect our IT infrastructure from external attack and unauthorized access; internal policies setting out our data security approach and training for employees; and security measures employed by third-party service providers.

Access to your personal information

You are entitled to view, amend, 或删除我们持有的个人信息,除非政府机构另有要求. Email your request to

Terms of Use

By choosing to use this, or any NWSE website or service in any capacity or to any extent, 您同意在任何时候使NWSE免受因NWSE使用通常订阅/合同的互联网和技术服务而可能发生的任何和所有安全/数据泄露的损害,NWSE可能与之签订合同,向您和/或其他客户提供服务, 并进一步同意不对可能发生的任何此类安全/数据泄露的实际或潜在结果向NWSE和/或其员工或董事寻求补救或损害赔偿.

Changes to this Notice

NWSE可能会不时修改我们的使用条款和隐私政策. When we do, we will update our websites to reflect these changes.

UPDATED: 05/2018